Switching weather sites, 18 years in

I’ve had to fire Weather Underground.

This is causing me some consternation.  I have a relationship with these folks that extends all the way back to 1994 (and that involves the term “telnet”).

However, they’ve presented me several weeks in a row of ridiculous information, so I must presume this new state is how it’s going to be.  (By “ridiculous,” I mean I read this week that a day next week is going to have a heat index of 147 ºF.)  As long as I’ve been paying attention, the data feed has been that of the National Weather Service.  I mean, it’s been word-for-word the same thing the weather radio at 162.400 spits out.

I don’t know where this new data is coming from, but it’s substantially divorced from reality.

So, weather.com now occupies that slot in my home tabs.  Hurts my feelings a bit, but it hews much closer to what actually happens.

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6 thoughts on “Switching weather sites, 18 years in”

  1. Swackett is an excellent weather app, but if I remember correctly you have not succumbed to the evil empire yet.

  2. I use Weather Bug … the paid version. They’re usually pretty close to what the NWS says and the daily forecasts from my employer. I use the three to come up with my own version of how it’s gonna be.

  3. I don’t know what I’m going to do. It really pisses me off when stuff I think is perfect changes. The weather.com page is fine, but I’m so used to the moving radar display at my old place. 🙁 ‘seester, that’s got promise, but I’m going to have to do some strategic bookmarking to get what I want. Dave, you are correct. There is currently no Apple in my daily workflow. 🙂 WXchick, sounds like you need to start marketing your forecast too. 🙂

  4. NOAA.
    and if all else fails,
    go to http://www.thef*ckingweather.com. (Of course, substitute the correct vowel for the asterisk. No real insight but it’s worth the chuckle.)

  5. I’m liking the NOAA site. Lots of info there once you learn how to process it efficiently.

    (And Kelly, you’re allowed to say fuck here.) 🙂


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