Thursday miscellanea #165

  • You know that when you take your medicine in the morning and the tap water is too cold to drink as quickly as you’d like, it’s pretty chilly outside.
  • Enjoyed catching up with Charlie at Stem & Stein last night.  I added Rogue Yellow Snow draft and Jai Alai draft to my IPA experiences.  Jimmy’s Ass Kickin’ Nachos are highly recommended.
  • After retrying and re-dismissing Joli OS as just a bit too cute, I went back to Ubuntu on my netbook.  This was partially in the interest of prolonging battery life, as I’d kind of like to use it like a phone, just charging at the end of the day.  Also, I discovered that if I pass on the Unity interface, which I’m not crazy about anyway, the video driver performance is a bit better (but still not perfect).
  • “Frank quit.  Bought a goat farm.  Moved to Ukiah.  Left you this note.  He was too broken up to talk about it.  Said he knew you’d understand.”  RIP, Harry Morgan.
  • Speaking of domesticated quadrupeds, I can’t muster a lot of bother about the slaughter of horses quietly becoming legal once again in the United States.  I think pretty much what I had to say about eating cats applies here too.  Your horse is your best friend?  Then don’t sell that one to a slaughterhouse.
  • I poked around just a bit yesterday with the new Xbox 360 GUI.  It seems very Windows 8ish.  The boys and I will explore together a bit more tonight after homework.
  • I feel about the BCS kind of like I feel about game officiating.  They both are what they are.  I don’t apologize when it breaks my way, and I don’t moan when it doesn’t.  Fortunately (I guess most of us would say “fortunately”), a plus-one looks more likely than ever in the near future.  As for January 9, 2012, let’s go!  Roll Tide!

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