Gate rape, continued

The TSA continues to reassure the public that most people don’t undergo the “enhanced pat-downs,” as if that makes it all right.  (“Most” may not, but hundreds of thousands already have.)

One view Rush floated a couple of times yesterday was that this is calculated overreach, intended to mine all of the worst of Americans’ anger and fear.  Then, the TSA can “relent” and get rid of the pat-downs, and we’ll all fall in like good little sheeple and undergo the advanced imaging scans.  “Well, they’re near-naked photos of us, and the long-term effects of this sort of radiation aren’t known, but thank God we’re not being molested!

Doubt it?  Guess what?  80% of those surveyed are now just fine with those scanners.

Oh, and guess what else?  Those scanners may not be worth a damn in the first place:

Finally, Joe Crubaugh brought this article to my attention.  Quoting:

Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports. What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines…In the summer, TSA purchased 150 machines from Rapiscan with $25 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds.

Does that concern you?  Nah, don’t worry about it.  I’m sure it’s a coincidence.

Let’s keep it moving as best we can back there, folks.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.  Safety first.

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4 thoughts on “Gate rape, continued”

  1. I have a bad feeling, the terrorists who are really up to something, are laughing at this exercise in fail. I won’t fly because I think they’ve already figured out how to circumvent these machines, and I may be paranoid, but I feel something is going to happen soon. The Israelis are correct – the machines are worthless.

  2. I agree with ‘Seester…the terrorists have already figured out a way to circumvent any security we’ve put into place. If they want to do it, they WILL find a way. Personally, I think we should adopt the Israelis philosophy…profile, profile, profile. Seems to work for them.

    BTW – I’m not flying anytime soon and probably will never fly again because it’s such a hassle anymore. Guess I’ll have to find another way to see Italy…

  3. I was just horrified to read a comment on Facebook, from someone with whom I am acquainted, claiming this is all a media-generated storm, and the TSA is just doing its job. Most of the polls she’s seen, and most of the people she knows, think it’s a non-story.

    Anyone encountering that anywhere? I meet people with varying levels of interest, but sentiment is near-universally negative with anyone with whom I’ve discussed the issue.


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