Bob Etheridge (D-NC) should resign immediately

Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC) has been recorded causing a physical confrontation with college students who asked him on the street whether he fully supported the Obama agenda.

I’ve waited all day to watch the footage, and expected to be amused.  That’s really not my reaction.  I’m surprised, and frankly, it’s a little scary.  This doesn’t stop at erratic and questionable like I thought it would.  Rather, this is a dangerous, unhinged redneck. It’s brief, but watch for the frightening facial expression at about 0:07 in this footage from the other camera:

No apology is enough here.  This is thoroughly unacceptable.  His constituents should shame him into resignation immediately.  Moreover, he needs to be arrested and made to answer for this assault and battery.

(And wow, it’s a good thing these two kids stopped at a Democrat congressman.  Can you imagine the carnage if they’d waded into the bloodbath of the average tea party gathering?)

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10 thoughts on “Bob Etheridge (D-NC) should resign immediately”

  1. He won’t quit. I should have no hope of that at all. You hang on, because you just might make it.

    You want William Jefferson Clinton’s political legacy in a nutshell? There it is.

  2. It is a little unnerving to watch. I really don’t think the kid was doing anything to warrant the “congressman’s” reaction. Just ignore them. Walk on. Don’t slap at him, grab him and demand to know (“i have a right”) who the kid is. And now that I think about it, given the other things that Dems think are “rights,” I reckon he does think he has a “right” to know. Wow. And wow again.

  3. The creepiest part is the point at which he knows he has screwed up and tries to “hug it out” with the student. Of course it was a set-up. But that comes with the territory. You and me stopped on the street, we might react kinda weird too – but b/c you are a Congressman, you have to be able to walk on or smile and laugh.

    Triangle choke holds are not ok, Congressman.

  4. Well, but what is a set-up? I mean, it’s not like they said “hey, let’s try to get him to street-fight with us!” It’s just what you say: if you’re a Congressman, then a question on the sidewalk is part of the job description.

  5. It’s Obama who set the tone… HE is the one with “get in their face”, “hit back twice as hard”, and gonna “kick ass” while Salazar puts his “boot on their throat”. What the hell is this, the Third Reich?

    Now this arrogant clown Etheridge thinks it OK to get violent with an innocent reporter asking a question… and in the most polite fashion imaginable- who cares what his motivations were or weren’t.

    What a horrible example Team Obama and allied union thugs have set for their minions.. who now feel free to lash out like punks at any who dare question them.

    Anybody who still considers Obama some sort of unifier ought to have their head examined- rather, the damage he’s doing to this society is immense

  6. This is really quite unbelievable. Even an uncouth redneck like me knows not to assault someone like that for just asking a question. If someone came up to me with a video recorder and asked me if I was mad at Obama I say “No, I’m not mad, I’m mad as hell!” and then I’d keep on steppin’ Similarly, Rep. Ethdridge should have just said he fully supported the President and moved on. I can’t believe he’d be so stupid as to grab someone by the wrist and the neck….unless he’s confident that the media and the Democratic leadership will provide cover for him. It’s really breathtaking in its arrogance.

  7. You know what I think? I think he’s done something really bad, and he overreacted to these kids because he must have thought someone was on to him about what ever “it” was. Hmmmmm.


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