Democrats invite corporate executives to explain to them exactly how Obamacare will destroy the economy

Have you heard about the $1,000,000,000 writedown AT&T’s going to take as a first step in its attempt to afford what Obamacare’s going to do to it?  How about John Deere at $150,000,000, 3M at $90,000,000, and Caterpillar at $100,000,000?  There are others, and we’re just getting started.  The consulting firm Towers Watson estimates the … Read more

Thursday miscellanea #80

I would love to be able to recapture the peace I used to feel after finishing finals for a quarter.  That was tranquility. It’s about time the scientific community gave us something worthwhile.  Barbecue sauce is good for your health because it generally packs a lot of antioxidant-rich ingredients.  So, see, it totally cancels out … Read more