Obama to start “speaking directly to the American people”

Hey, you might have heard that a Republican won Teddy Kennedy’s old Senate seat in one the bluest states of the Union this week.  That’s as upset as upset gets in politics.

Is this a stunning rebuke of Obama’s far left policy, particularly on health care?  Is this another ripple of the wave that also contains (seeming) oddities like a GOP governor of New Jersey?

No.  Obama blames Bush.  Get your brain around this:  people are still so angry with George W. Bush that they are electing Republicans in Massachusetts.

So what’s our esteemed president going to do?  Is he going to—nightmare of nightmares (for someone like me who dreads the idea of a second Obama term)—own some culpability, pivot to the middle, and give his likability a tremendous shot in the arm?

Nope.  Obama’s decided you haven’t heard enough about what he wants to do, so he’s decided to start “speaking directly to the American people.”  I swear.

You may recall this was the plan four months ago as well.  Someone explain to me how this is indicative of anything but rank stupidity.

Mind, as Mark Steyn points out today, the stupidity isn’t that Obama actually believes what he’s saying.  Rather, it’s that he’s stupid enough to think we’re stupid enough to believe that’s the problem.

If you really do think  Barack Obama’s problem is insufficient “speaking to the American people,” then you are delusional beyond help, because the reality is that the jackass never shuts upObama gave 158 interviews and 411 speeches his first year in office.  Care to guess where that ranks among all presidents?  It’s #1—by a bunch.

So sit with me and take in the practiced and inspired oratory of Barack Obama, you dumb bunch of damned rubes who just can’t get it.  He’s trying to help us.  Remember, he is The One.  I’m sure speech #412 is going to click it over for you.

For all we hear about how intelligent and inspired Barack Obama is, to date he is easily the worst president of my lifetime at the public relations aspects of day-to-day politics.  I mean, this guy is remarkably obtuse.  I once doubted his arrogance would sustainedly blind him to these realities.  Now I’m beginning to doubt that it won’t.

Is he so pompous and self-absorbed that he’d refuse any humility whatsoever, all but costing himself a plausible chance at a second term?  He just might be.

Hammer down, President Obama.  You’re doing a hell of a job.

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6 thoughts on “Obama to start “speaking directly to the American people””

  1. He said Friday that he was NOT doing it for himself or his poll numbers, He’s doing it for US. Shame on you for not appreciating that.

    Also, saw on twitter, can’t remember who said, “If we want to win in Afghanistan, just send Obama to campaign for the Taliban.”

  2. I won’t mince words…I CANNOT stand the man!!! He and “his administration” have made a MESS of everything.

    How much longer until the next presidential election?!

  3. ‘seester: That’s rich. I hadn’t seen/heard that.

    azn8tive: He’s a boob, dripping with arrogance and incompetence. He is bad for the United States. He is a thoroughly inept president. He is a horrible patriot. How’s that? Oh my sweet heavens, I hope it’s not racist.

    And you know, I’m not “questioning his patriotism.” I have no question about it at all.

  4. He’d do better if he was replaced by one of those puppets they use in the Nike Lebron James ads. They’re at least kind of funny…and livelier. I think lunch with the President would be a real chore/snore – you choose. At least Bubba Clinton was kind of funny.


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