“Look, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I’m not a child.” – Charles Krauthammer

Amateur hour rolls on at 1600 Pennsylvania.  Here’s Charles Krauthammer on Fox last night, on Eric Holder appointing a special prosecutor to investigate alleged CIA abuses: Well, it is a hell of a coincidence, isn’t it? The administration is in a deep health-care debate, a national debate, and every hour that passes, support for [Obama’s] … Read more

If we’re going to have invasive species, let’s get a good one

Recently Nathan and I had a conversation about invasive species.  We talked about how we accidentally got fire ants, starlings, and (gulp) Burmese pythons in the United States. So he told me tonight on the way to soccer practice that when he is a grown-up, he is going to “accidentally” introduce the rhinoceros to northern … Read more

“Quite comfortable” with being a one-term president

That’s Robert Gibbs on Obama’s willingness to “make (tough) decisions” on health care reform or anything else that comes up that demands it, shucks darn it all.  Video here. Well, I’m quite comfortable with Obama being a one-term president, too.  Actually I’d have been even more comfortable with him staying a vapid Illinois senator.  I … Read more
