The Bible on marriage

The Bible mentions marriage several hundred times.  This list of principles is from Ephesians 5:22-33 and 1 Peter 3:1-7.  I like it very much.

  • Never both be angry at once.
  • Never talk at one another.
  • Never yell at one another, unless the house is on fire.
  • Let each one strive to yield more often to do the wishes of the other.
  • Let self-denial be the daily aim and practice of each.
  • Never taunt with a past mistake.
  • Neglect the whole world rather than one another.
  • Never make a remark at the expense of one another.
  • Never part for a day without kind words to think of during absence.
  • Never meet without a loving welcome.
  • Never let the sun go down on your wrath.
  • Never forget that marriage is ordained of God, and that His blessings alone can make it what it ought to be.

Lea and I probably did 75% of our fighting during the first 5% of our marriage.  (Of course, unless we start fighting a bunch, the first percentage will steadily climb.)  Being human, we slip once in a while, but I think we’ve got most of this list sussed most of the time.  Sunday will be 12 years.

What a blessing.

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7 thoughts on “The Bible on marriage”

  1. Wow… amazing.

    My mom and dad have lived by these same notions for more than 50 years, and they are still on their honeymoon. (Kinda sickening — they still make out — ick — heh heh)

    I didn’t realize it but Mister Bee and I do the same… we wake up everyday giggling and can’t wait to see each other at the end of the day.

    Ain’t love grand?


    P.S. More hugs to Leah in her recovery, and please tell Oliver to STOP SCARING EVERYBODY.

  2. Let’s sprinkle this convo with some holy water and burn incense, and look at one of my faves, Song of Songs:

    Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) of 2006 refers to the Song of Songs in both its literal and allegorical meaning, stating that erotic love (eros) and self-donating love (agape) is shown there as the two halves of true love, which is both giving and receiving.

  3. Thanks, Suzie and nhfalcon!

    Greg and ‘seester: Good calls. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said the Bible mentions marriage hundreds of times. Think it’s important? 😉


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