Here’s what happens around the house when you’re married to a talented artsy type

The entertainment center grows extremely cool stained glass panes:


The entertainment center is Lea’s baby all the way.  She finished that wood, too.  And aren’t those panes awesome?

Look at the swamp developing in the dining room:


These are what she calls “decorations” for Vacation Bible School at our church, though I think “sets” is probably more accurate.  She really sweats the small stuff when she takes something like this on; consequently it’s really immersive when she’s done.

I hope you’re having a good weekend.

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9 thoughts on “Here’s what happens around the house when you’re married to a talented artsy type”

  1. Thanks! The panels were the first thing where I’ve designed them totally from scratch (okay, with some help from my mentors) and not used somebody else’s pattern for a jumping off point. The inspiration / colors come from a painting in the room. I am pleased how it turned out.

  2. azn8tive: Thanks! (That’s my compliment too, right?) 🙂

    Jenny B: Thanks; she really did a great job. I thought they would be cool, and then they were so much cooler than that, even.

    wxchick: Thanks. I’m looking into LED solutions for that, as the last thing we need down there is more heat. (An Xbox 360 and a UPS live in there.)


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