Thursday miscellanea #30

  • Well, my fanboy credentials have taken a serious hit.  Halo Wars has been out for more than a week, and I didn’t even know it.  It should be here tomorrow, just in time for a rained-in weekend.
  • I talked about this once before, but overheard a conversation at Publix a few minutes ago that reminded me of it again.  Dig:  in all of the different over-the-counter medicines—for cold symptoms, allergy relief, pain relief, indigestion, help with sleep, or whatever—there are maybe two dozen different active ingredients.  There is nothing magical about a brand name.  It’s the same stuff. Take store brands.  For cocktail products like NyQuil and Excedrin, buy store brands of the active ingredients and take the same doses that comprise the cocktail.  You’ll save 50-75% doing this.
  • I’m doing all right with the unplugged Sundays (no Internet) for Lent.  Alas, my alcohol abstention hasn’t been perfect, but as I write my consumption is down 91%.  With no more between now and Easter, that number will increase to 97%.  We’ll see.
  • I’ve had it with the hyphenated last names.  Wife takes husband’s name?  All right.  Wife keeps her name?  All right.  Husband takes wife’s name?  OK, sure, have at it.  But “Melissa Anderson-Hendricks” has got to go.  Even worse is when they decide the husband is Bernie Anderson-Hendricks.  Then, presumably, the kid is Skippy Anderson-Hendricks, and what if he falls in love with Susie Stewart-Pettus?  Knock it off.  You’re not any closer to each other, and you’re not raging against the oppressive patriarchy.  You’re just being a pain in the ass.
  • Kill Bill on Blu-ray last weekend.  Primo.
  • In his column today, the always entertaining and usually correct Victor Davis Hanson considers what some honest pre-election rhetoric from Obama might have sounded like.  It’s a scream, in all senses of the word.
  • I have delighted in observing the resurgence of stockings and high heels, and now my fashionista acquaintances (there aren’t many, but there are a few) are telling me that big hair is starting to show up on the runways.  Bring it.

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3 thoughts on “Thursday miscellanea #30”

  1. Cheryl, have you verified that you can’t get relief from just regular old guaifenesin? 400 mg of store brand every four hours wouldn’t be as convenient as the sustained-release Mucinex, but it might be a quarter of the cost.


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