Sextuple-digit inflation

I’ve written before of what a terrible place Zimbabwe has become under Robert Mugabe.

The current official estimate of Zimbabwe’s inflation rate is 100,000%.  Indepedent analysts believe it may be more like 150,000%.

So what does that mean?

It means this boy holding what looks to be a quarter of his weight in cash doesn’t have nearly enough money for even a loaf of bread, which costs five million dollars.

Mugabe is up for reelection next month.  It’s certainly not wise to bet against someone who’s been “elected” to the presidency for 28 years running, but let’s hope.

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3 thoughts on “Sextuple-digit inflation”

  1. I have NO head for economics, but this reminds me of a Clancy novel (I can’t recall at the moment which one). The stock market is the target of a terrorist computer attack which essentially wipes the whole thing clean. President Ryan (he was president – how ridiculous, but whatever; we’re suspending disbelief) decides that it’s all just make-believe anyway, so he just resets the thing to where it was before it crashed and the world economy goes on its merry way.

    Money is a MADE UP CONCEPT. It doesn’t MEAN anything beyond what we allow it to mean. Why doesn’t anyone seem to understand that?

  2. Mrs. Chili, such notions are why tyrants are able to use printing presses to destroy people’s lives.

    Someone who does have a head for economics once wrote that sound money “belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of rights.”


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