It was a dark and stormy book club…

I have a new link in the sidebar. I’m co-hosting the Dark and Stormy Book Club, which is on the pad right now, and control has been transferred to the orbiter’s on-board systems. (For non-space travel geeks: we’ll be starting very soon.)

So what’s the deal? Quoting the site:

At the beginning of each month, a new book will be selected. You will have three to four weeks to read the selection. Afterward, we broadcast the Dark and Stormy Book Club Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio. Listen in Live (on a Saturday morning), or, if the time is inconvenient, Listen in Later from the site. You can even download the podcast and listen while you exercise!For the week or so following the show, come back to this site and read the summary of the book discussion. Join in the discussion via the comment area. Did you love it? Did you hate it?

This is Saintseester‘s baby, and I’m delighted to have sufficiently passed muster to be a co-host. She has decided that Mrs. Chili and I fit into her vision, which is obviously a fabulous explosion of intelligence, wit, prudence, charisma, chutzpah, punctuality, humor, subject-verb agreement, raw sex appeal, good oral hygiene, and not being afraid to cry.

Come on our voyage with us. I’m rather excited about it. I believe it will have a very low suck factor. I believe it is going to rock.

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2 thoughts on “It was a dark and stormy book club…”

  1. I should have just linked to this, too, Seester! Bo, you’re MUCH funnier than I!

    Of your list, I think I can safely, and without boasting, lay claim to 10 of your 11 prerequisite qualities. I’m afraid “prudence” isn’t always my strong suit – I find that my chutzpah is often dominant to my “think before I speak” mechanism. My subject-verb agreement is impeccable, though, and do I have clean teeth.

    I agree. We’re going to ROCK!


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