The Producers!

Charles and I were digesting our Bandito last night on his porch, and we started talking about music, as we often do. I lamented that the two-albums-on-one-CD release by The Producers that had come out in late 2000 went out of print nearly immediately, and was fetching over $100 on Amazon and eBay. Well, that … Read more

Rotavirus 2: The Firstborn

Now Nathan’s sick; all the same symptoms. To Lea, earlier tonight: “But I don’t want to be sick!” The boys couldn’t have it together at any point, of course. Nathan’s just coming down with it right as Aaron’s getting over it. Nathan and I had planned to go to the lake this weekend. He hasn’t … Read more

Why the U.S. should get out of the U.N.: Reason #7,429

The United Nations’ Committee on Sustainable Development has as its stated purpose: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” What better country to chair this committee than Zimbabwe? Really. Just happened. Swear. Look it up. When tyrant Robert Mugabe came to power … Read more