Farewell, NewDietDewIsYucky.com

Well, NewDietDewIsYucky.com has only ten days left as of this writing. (If it’s after March 11 when you’re reading this, check it out here.)

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, PepsiCo changed Diet Mountain Dew’s formula a year ago, and Jeremy and I launched an all-out assault to get the old formula back. We were ultimately unsuccessful, but I think we both had fun.

I’ve mentioned the site writing before. Here are the two videos I did, with the original introductory texts. Lea shot the first one. Dad and I shot the second one, with Dad on the Smith & Wesson .38.

1. PepsiCo has only been cordial and polite with me and my efforts with NewDietDewIsYucky.com, by telephone, by email, and by U.S. mail. That hasn’t stopped a coworker buddy of mine from remarking, upon seeing me first thing in the morning: “Well, Big Cola hasn’t whacked him yet!”

His new standard greeting, coupled with the fact that I just became a “hoarder” (therefore making previous-formula Diet Mountain Dew one of my most prized possessions), gave me the idea for this video:

2. It is critical that we be good stewards of the land and eliminate the menace of Tuned Up Taste here at NewDietDewIsYucky.com. We must create an environment in which the previous Diet Mountain Dew formula can once again thrive:

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6 thoughts on “Farewell, NewDietDewIsYucky.com”

  1. It was very important. 🙂 I drank 5,300 gallons of the old formula: 2-4 liters daily for more than 19 years. Then I woke up one morning and it was like God had made the grass purple. (I remember someone saying that about new Coke back in the day.)

  2. Gee…

    I was drinking 2-4 liters of the REGULAR DEW.

    That’s how I discovered I had type II diabetes.

    I mix a package of Kool-Aid, Jamaica, Black Cherry and Mandarina-Tangerine my faves, into Diet Sierra Mist or other lemon-lime fizz fix.

    I never noticed Pepsi change much other than make the logo more lame.


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