2000 Bloggers

Once upon a time a fellow named Tino Buntic decided to put together a page of 2000 bloggers, with hyperlinked photos. Only two rules: your blog had to include a photo of yourself, and it had to have been started before 01/01/2007. I thought it sounded pretty cool and told a few blogging friends about it.

Then Technorati got pissed off and all hell broke loose.

Now I just barely knew what Technorati was, but when the original 2000 Bloggers thing exploded I spent some time poking around there. I discovered a lot of self-important babbling about “link integrity” and “questionable morals” and all kinds of crap in that vein, all because some guy wanted to put together a linked photo montage of 2000 bloggers. I left wondering when some of these guys last had a really good glass of wine, hugged a giggling child, had two lungs full of really fresh morning air, or saw a woman naked.

So the new 2000 Bloggers is here. For whatever reason, this one doesn’t seem to be a bug up Technorati’s ass. And I think it’s neat that I’m on there, and I’m reading some blogs I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

I’m enjoying my blog. And because I’ve decided to do it, I want to do it well. Go hard or go home. But at the end of the day, it’s really not so high on my hierarchy of priorities. There are people whose opinions I respect–old friends and new–who tell me they enjoy it, and that’s enough.

In fact, I’m spending about the same amount of time writing daily; most of my blogging comes at the expense of time I used to spend on Usenet. I’m a bit more proud of this, I suppose, just because I have more control over appearance and the like, and anyone coming to this page is coming to read something I wrote. That’s appealing, and anyone who says it isn’t is a liar. But if I’m ever righteously and sustainedly angry about it, as too many people at Technorati are/were, I’ve got my head in the wrong place.

(I save that kind of anger for reformulated soft drinks.)

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