’08: Too much too soon

I know I picked on Barack Obama for being thin-skinned about his big huge Dodge Ram side-view-mirror ears and his implied threat to whip Maureen Dowd’s ass if she didn’t knock it off. I’ve also imagined Hillary slinging whiskey bottles at the wall because of Obama’s far-too-large piece of the polling pie to date. Seems like I said a little something about Rudy too. So yeah, I’ve been talking about the 2008 election a little.

And I shouldn’t be. Nobody should be. Folks, it’s a long time from now: most of 21 months away. Doesn’t the coverage seem like it’s about six months out? As with eating a 9-lb. cheeseburger or playing pelvic pinochle, pacing is critical.

So barring something truly extraordinary, like Ed Asner holding a drunken press conference claiming he’s Chelsea’s father and asking Hillary to finally end the nonsense and just please come home, I’m going to avoid talking specifically about the 2008 presidential election until it’s less than a year away.

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2 thoughts on “’08: Too much too soon”

  1. I was just thinking about this yesterday, too. Because my husband and I were getting confused about when the elections were (are they on the even number years or the odd?????? ah! this is throwing us off).

    I think No one should be able to raise or spend money or announce or anything until 45 days before the election. Seriously, we can’t do any worse with our selections can we. So do we really need years of education about the candidates?

  2. I remember The Gap Band came to Big Spring Jam five or six years ago–and proceeded to open with “You Dropped a Bomb on Me.” WTF, guys? You can’t possibly be surprised that two-thirds of the crowd is leaving after that one, can you? “Who do you think you are, The Beatles?” – Steve Lawrence

    I think our ’08 frontrunners need to be careful they don’t use up all of their stardust on the very front end of this whole disaster. That would be a scenario for someone who paced wisely to sneak in and win the whole thing.


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